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Hey, my name’s Amy Lowery and I'm the CEO of Soulpreneur HQ.
I help Souls JUST LIKE YOU discover your purpose and turn it into a successful coaching business by teaching you how to sell and market your magic in a way that is authentic and enjoyable TO YOU so that you can make an abundance of money DOING WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO.
Here's a little background about me...
In 2021 I left behind my 6-Figure Ecommerce Business to follow my passion and become a Coach. I was SO passionate about helping other people improve their reality, achieve their dreams & make money but I STRUGGLED BIG TIME. I had so much to give and so much knowledge to share but nobody was listening. Nobody was investing in my products or services and I felt so lost and confused. I LOVED what I was doing but it wasn’t generating an income no matter how hard I tried. I struggled at marketing & selling and was petrified to REALLY put myself out there out of fear of rejection and judgement.
I LITERALLY thought that becoming a coach meant getting my certification, creating a coaching package and sharing it on social media and my clients would flock to me… oh how naive I was!!
After SO much trial and error I’ve finally created an online coaching business THAT LIGHTS UP MY SOUL and I now understand my journey of struggle you know, everything that I experienced when first stepping into the online coaching world was my DESTINY. I had to experience that struggle so I could overcome it and teach others.
I get to do what I LOVE to do eeeeeerrry single day and now I get to help YOU do what you love PLUS make an abundance of money doing so because YES you were born to fulfil a specific mission but you’re also here to expereince a reality that lights up your soul, whatever that expereince may be and I’m here to help you create it.
I love to teach souls how powerful, capable, deserving and worthy they are.
I grew up surrounded by lack and really struggled with self-confidence and belief. I thought someone like me, who grew up in a council state and received V low grades at school was destined to work a mundane 9-5 job in a call centre even though there was always a little voice within telling me I was here to do and be more. In 2016 when I fell pregnant with my firstborn, Theo, my whole life changed. I finally began to listen to that little voice and take action on it. I decided I was going to be the one to break generational curses. I decided to figure out my purpose and fulfil it. I decided I wasn't going to bring my family up on benefits like my own upbringing (no judgement AT ALL here, I just didn't want to simply survive and only ever have enough to pay the bills, I wanted to experience life with my family, travel etc), so I decided to break down my limiting money beliefs and reach for the stars! I've never looked back since. Has it been an easy journey? NO, and if you're looking for a quick, get-rich scheme, you ain't gonna get it here. It's going to take consistency, patience, faith and INSPIRED ACTION.
I'm proof that ANYTHING you desire, you can achieve, regardless of your upbringing, your experience so far, whether or not you were born into money or not, your school grades... NONE OF THAT MATTERS.
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For those who feel they are here to do and be more and are ready to discover and fulfil exactly what that entails...